I wrote a poem about the Titanic and nature's response to the tragedy. It's a bit serious actually, for once. Check me out Ma, I'm growing up!
This is it:
Since Eden, man has tried his best
To put nature to the test
Our arrogance and vanity
Has blinkered us, so we can't see
That nature was, is and will be
The victor of eternity
And still we try and try again
To prove ourselves as Big Strong Men
"We've got the tools! We've got the braun!"
Industrialism has been born
Britain became Great overnight
and taught the world from its great heights
how to use Nature's resources
to replace hard work and horses
The Big Men said "Let's build a ship!
We'll build it huge and build it quick!"
But as we know, that fateful night
Nature won an epic fight
"Unsinkable" the mammoth boat
It's only given order; "Float",
Sank into the icy sea
And nature claimed it's steel trophy
"Let that be a lesson" Nature said
"Don't let your arrogance cloud your head
Never again try and take me on"
Maybe one day we'll learn our lesson.
The End.
Love Hannan :)