Friday, 20 July 2012

We can be heroes forever and ever...

I was going to go see the Olympic torch come running by later but I have to get packed to Spain tomorrow so don't think I will go. You know, I feel happy for that Olympic flame. It's been on loads of adventures recently. If the Olympic torch was my friend here are some of the things I would do...

1. Go swimming. I think as long as he keeps his flame above water this shouldn't be a problem. I'd get him armbands if he needed them.

2. Go to a firework show. He could come in very handy.

3. Go on a 3-day spa retreat. I think all that running around and partying will have tired him out so a spa retreat would be lovely.

4. Go aqua zorbing. Because I found out today that it is a real true thing you can do.

5. Catch a movie. Maybe Chariots of fire?

6. Introduce him to my flatmate "Crazy Meg". She likes things that I have and say so I'm confident she would be impressed with my new buddy.

7. NOT take him scuba diving...that would ruin him.

All these things and more. If you know the torch, pass on this message to him. We could rule the world, me and him because I have a hand to hold the torch and legs to walk to our destinations and he has the burning flame of determination and passion as well as a desire to warm up cold hearts.

Hannan xx

1 comment:

  1. Oh yes! Can I play too?! Especially aqua zorbing (or any kind of zorbing) as it's on my "things to do" list.


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