It was a warm Spanish evening, and the air was dusky and sweet with Sangria and castanets. Two men and two women were sitting in an alleyway outside a bustling Tapas bar talking about how full their tummies were. One of the women who was blonde and fair with gigantic eyes was sat opposite a man with a brown afro and a twinkling smile. The other woman, a brunette with deeply tanned skin like a persian goddess was holding the hand of a mysterious dark skinned man with bright yellow sunglasses and sparkly white teeth. Suddenly, out of the shadows a figure loomed up to them and made them an offer they couldn't refuse....
Chapter Two:
"Cocktails for €4? Would you like a cocktail that should be €6 for €4? I take you there, I take you there, I take you there..." A young Polish woman with erratic eyes laced with desperation had approached them with vouchers in her hand. The characters looked at each other and gave each other the nod and sneaky eye which meant "this sounds like a good thing, let's go for it". They followed the young woman further down the alleyway into the shadows...
Chapter Three:
"In here, in here"... The woman ushered them into the smallest bar they had ever seen. Standing at the bar, their backs touched the wall and there was only room for two plastic chairs in the corner by the door. "Choose from menu" ordered the woman and so the characters did. "Three Piña Colada's and one Mojito por favour!" asked the blonde big-eyed girl. But no sooner had the words left the blonde girl's lips, the Polish girl and her friend behind the bar froze with terror...
Chapter Four:
"You wait outside, outside, go.." said the barmaid and hurried them out into the alleyway sitting them down on bar stools at a make-shift bar attached to the wall by shakey looking brackets. "How strange..." said the dark haired girl, as the barmaid ran out of the bar and round the corner down another alley, "Haha, imagine if she went to another bar to buy the drinks and brought them to us!" And as they chortled with mirth, they had nothing else to do but they waited...
Chapter Five:
Minutes passed and the four handsome and beautiful characters were just thinking of leaving when from around the corner down the alleyway came the waitress carrying four cocktails. The four humans were too polite and British to enquire as to the origin of these drinks and so said thankyou and drank and drank and drank...
Chapter Six:
The man with the yellow sunglasses and ebony skin had almost finished his Mojito but the two girls were struggling to get through their gallon of Piña Colada. "I feel sick" said the persian goddess. "Me too" agreed t'other one. The boy with the brown afro and the twinkling smile picked up his drink and sloothed it, but as he put it down there was an almighty SMASH...
Chapter Seven:
The makeshift bar had fallen of its rickety old brackets and smashed down onto the knees of its occupants. Twinkle smile's glass had exploded and covered everyone at the bar in Piña Colada and they found themselves engaged in a deadly battle with a heavy slab of wood, shards of flesh-tearing glass and sticky cocktail which had covered their faces, hair and bodies. They feared the substance would block their nostrils and mouth which of course...would be fatal...
Chapter Eight:
The barmaid came rushing out and helped get the bar off the four customers who looked like they had fallen into a lake of coconut and pineapple lava. She hastily apologised and started sweeping up. "I get you all another drink. Three Piña Coladas and a Mojito yes?" Dread filled the heart of the four characters. "No more....NO MORE!!!" whispered one of the women. Giving each other the nod and sneaky eye for the last time that evening, the four characters backed away slowly, slowly, slowly, away, away, away until the strange experience was nothing more than a distant echo of a memory in the back section of their brains.
The End.
P.S. This is a true story. I know it's true because I lived it on holiday last week.
Love Hannan xx