I was peeping at the Guildford sky today and noticed it was looking paler than usual. Maybe it had just put talcum powder on after a lovely shower, or maybe it was feeling a bit poorly. Or maybe...just maybe... it's hiding a winter full of snow behind its back. Maybe its waiting for us to close our eyes at sleeping time and then SZHUZH! Down it will fall, flakey floaty onto our land, covering everything and making Surrey clean and beautiful! I hope so.
This hopeful wondering got me thinking about all my adventures in the snow and I thought I would share them with you.
I love the snow. I actually try to embrace all seasons and weathers or else you end up all fed up when it rains and moany when it snows and that's never fun. So I always look on the bright side of bad weather. When I was little and it snowed it was the best day ever. Rules went out the window. Forget school! Or if we HAD to go it was all "Let's all go out and build snowmen and have a great old time!" It was all fun and games until someone got a snowball in the gob though. There are no words to describe that feeling. Like a freezing jelly that sticks onto your eyelashes and in your nostrils. It's also a mega hazard for contact lens wearers like me. It can freeze them solid, or slide them out! Nightymare.
I always have a little go building a snowman. The trouble with building snowmen however, is this. It's never like in that documentary "The Snowman", you know, the one where the little boy's snowman takes him flying around? The snowman always ends up grey at best, if not brown from scooping up mud and grass when rolling it together. And when you stick their twiggy arms into their body it splits them in half and they fall to pieces! Tricky tricky.
I always overestimate how much I love snow. I allow myself a good 2-3 hours of snow time and go bounding out, rolling around on the floor, making snow angels, all sorts. After about 15 minutes though, my fingers are numb, my toes are numb, my face is numb and I just fancy watching Made in Chelsea with a brew in my jim-jams. I forget every year how quickly the novelty wears off!
This year if the snow visits I am determined to try a bit of sledging. The idea terrifies me though. What if I lose control and slide into a danger...? What if I tumble off and roll, roll, roll down the hill like a determined log heading for an icy pond...? Or if I fall off the sledge on my face in the snow...? What if I hit a fence? Or a dog? Countless hazards await. But as we have already discussed, I must try to overcome my fears (Click here to see my earlier posts all about my other fears!) So I shall be going to the Mount (apparently a good sledging spot) and having a little go.
Watch this space.
It can only end badly.
I'm Hannan after all.
Love Hannan xxx