Any committed Hannan readers will know that I spent a few blogs talking about my fears before I was rudely interrupted by an engagement that has sent me spinning and whirling beautifully into a sea of organza, lace, bridal magazines and wedding fayres (not fairs, as I was disappointed to find out. Not one single ride or candy floss station...) Now, when The Boy read my last blog (entitled ""This has gone on long enough...!") he said how nice it was that I was writing about happy upbeat things like smiles and weddings instead of morbid deadly things like fears and sadness. So that got my brain going round... I am going to do a new series all about things I like! (This is the first one by the way, and it's about to start so shhh...)
I have recently developed a dependance upon something other than carbs and Taylor Swift... It's comforting and relaxing like ol' Swifty, yet it also makes me feel calm and peaceful, just like carbs do. I'm obsessed with having a big ol' bubble bath.
I think one of the reasons this has become a love of mine is that the shower at Big Oaks is rubbish. It doesn't stand up on it's own for one, you have to hold the shower head above your head to wash your hair, and then even when you're doing that the water coming out is so weak and feeble. It'd be easier (and less tiring) to invite the local youths into my bathroom to spit on my hair to wash out the bubbles. That's how sad it is. So to distract myself from this sad situation I have been having lovely baths. When I'm surrounded by warm strawberry bubbles I don't mind so much holding the shower head in the air to wash my mopatop.
I have also rediscovered a young love of mine...Matey bubble bath! He always looks so jolly and imagine my delight when I discovered that in the past 20 years he has found a girlfriend! A delightfully pink mermaid sort of character who sits on my windowsill smiling at me as I relax.
When I was a younger Hannan, I enjoyed bath time enourmously. My sister Jaja would sit in the bath with me, (which was OK back in the day, I don't let her in my baths any more) and we would play a game which involved putting as much shampoo on each others hair as possible and moulding our hair into different shapes. My personal faves were the 'punk' and 'court jester'. It always ended in tears though, when one or both of us would get some shampoo inside our eyes. Even though a certain shampoo boasted 'no more tears', there always were.
When I was a bit more grown-up I was allowed a bath on my own...without Jaja! How exciting. What a grown up girl I am now. Alas, I got my hot:cold ratio muddled and when I stepped in it was freeeeeeeeeeeeeezing cold and I would have to let most of the water out and start again. But of course by then the tank had emptied and no more hot water was to be had. I learnt a hard lesson that day.
When I got to uni and lived in Acorn Cottage with a Not-So-Crazy-But-Still-Bizzarre-Meg it became a tricky game to play did bathtime because there were at least 3 other people in the house as well as me. What would happen frequently is I'd wait and wait to have a bath until everyone was either out, or busy and then I'd spend ages running it to the perfect temperature (remember how I learnt that lesson?) with bubbles, bath bombs, candles, Enya's Orinoco Flow on full blast, all lovely and relaxing. At last it's bath time and as I'd sink into the bubbles and begin unwinding there would come knocking on the door and someone (usually my friend Ol' King) would say "Let me in, I need a wee". And I'd say "No way! I've only just got in!" and he'd say "Oh ok, that's fine, I'll just go wee in your bedroom sink." And so I'd scream and say "FINE! COME IN BUT YOU DON'T LOOK AT ME AND YOU BE QUICK" There were so many bubbles that privacy wasn't an issue and then he'd sneak in and do a wee... right there during bath time. Ridiculous.
Anyway, it's all become OK now because I've learnt how to run the perfect temperature bath, I don't need to wash my hair with the dripping shower head, and Crazy Meg is out. So I'm going to go and have a bath. and I can finally relax because Ol' King lives with The Boy now so there's no way he can come in and ruin bathtime with a wee.
Love Hannan